Thursday 10 March 2016


  1. Deadhangs for time (i.e.,holding the bottom position with elbows locked and shoulder packed for time ) . Move on to stage two if / when you can hold a deadhang for at least 30 seconds .
  2. Flexed- arm hangs for time (i.e., holding the top position with chin over the bar for time ) . Move on to stage there if / when you can hold a flexed -arm hang for at least 30 seconds.
  3. Negative reps (i.e., the eccentric"lowering"portion of the pull -up / chain up ) . Move onto stage four if / when you can perform 5 negative reps with a slow descent(i.e.,3+seconds per rep) .
  4. Assisted reps slow negatives (i.e., performing full range of motion pull -up /chine- up reps with assistance from a partner , resistance band , jump , etc ) . Move on to stage five if / when you can performed 10 assisted reps .
  5. Full pull -ups or chin -ups . Graduate from the program when you can complete 5 reps with excellent technique .

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